Weight loss Clinic in Dubai
Obesity is when a person has excess of body fat caused by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to manage while dieting.
Obesity is described as having a BMI of 30 or greater.
Obesity can cause a series of unwanted complications such as;
Obesity has become one of the most difficult diseases to overcome. Diet and exercise are the first lines of treatment, however, they do not provide measurable results in moderately and severely obese patients. Several studies have revealed that bariatric surgery, also known as weight-loss surgery, is the best method for helping patients lose weight and improve their health.
Bariatric (weight loss) surgery in Dubai is a life-changing procedure that allows people to live a better quality of life. Weight loss procedure is performed by shrinking the stomach pouch so that you feel satisfied after smaller meals and are less likely to consume more calories than your body can tolerate. Our Bariatric surgeons in Dubai working at HMS Al Garhoud hospital will advise you on the best option for you, whether it be gastric banding, sleeving, or bypass surgery.
Our Bariatric Surgery Department of Weight Loss Clinic Dubai in GPH offers full assessment and optimization to Bariatric Patients. All patients are assessed for Metabolic and hormonal disorders and the appropriate management plan is decided accordingly by the Bariatric team We offer both Surgical and non-surgical procedures, and Endoscopic and Laparoscopic single-port surgery is also available as part of the weight-loss surgeries. After the Surgery, patients are followed up by a team of Dieticians and Internists, as well as Cosmetic support.
Obesity has evolved into one of the most difficult conditions to treat. If you've had some of the problems that come with attempting to reduce weight and failing, surgery may be the remedy for you. It may also help with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, in addition to weight loss. It can gradually decrease respiratory issues, prevent the advancement of obesity, and lower the risk of acquiring new dangerous illnesses.
When looking for bariatric surgery, you must select a facility that has a large turnover of relevant surgeries, which HMS Al Garhoud Hospital has accomplished with so many successful surgeries over several years. HMS Al Garhoud Hospital's surgeons are internationally acknowledged in weight loss surgery and understand how to provide their clients with the greatest treatment and advice during and after surgery. You will receive high-quality healthcare and will feel secure knowing that HMS Al Garhoud Hospital is looking after you.
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a relatively new form of minimally invasive weight-loss surgery. A suturing device is introduced into your throat and downwards to your stomach during endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. Stitches are then placed in your stomach by the endoscopist to make it smaller.
Gastric ballooning, also known as endoscopic intragastric ballooning, is a non-surgical weight-loss technique that involves inserting a specialized balloon into the stomach to occupy space and reduce the stomach's food-holding capacity. This causes you to feel fuller faster and restricts your intake to smaller meals. The operation is just temporary, and the balloon is normally removed within 6 months.Endoscopic Endobarrier.
The gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss procedure which is reversible and temporary, helping in weight loss and providing people with the opportunity to convert to a healthier lifestyle for long-term results.
Gastric balloon implantation is a non-surgical treatment. Gastric balloons, which are either implanted using endoscopy or eaten like a tablet, are appropriate in patients who have failed to lose weight through diet and exercise and have a BMI between 27.5 and 32.5. Balloons take up space in the stomach, limiting food intake. It promotes early satisfaction and aids in the transition to a healthier lifestyle.
Gastric plication is a minimally invasive endoscopic treatment that involves folding the stomach inward and suturing (stitching) it to make it smaller and shorter. This technique decreases the quantity of food your stomach can contain, allowing you to feel fuller faster and stay fuller for longer. This treatment is also referred to as distal POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal).
Laparoscopic gastric plication is a relatively recent minimally invasive weight-loss surgery method that decreases the stomach capacity to about 3 ounces. It is a restrictive weight-loss operation, which means that the amount of food the stomach can hold is limited.
Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) by writing and entering your weight and height into a BMI calculator available on various websites. Calculated manually, you will divide your weight by your height. BMI will calculate whether you’re a normal weight or obese.
If you find that you’re overweight or obese, you should change your eating habits by following the weight loss tips from experts at our weight loss clinic in Dubai. Eat more lean meats, and fresh, leafy vegetables, and reduce the portions. Cut out excess sugars, salts, and fats. Drink more water to keep hydrated and feel full
It’s important to eat regularly and avoid skipping meals. If you skip meals, your body will store more fat than if you eat small, light, and nutritious meals throughout the day. Exercise Regularly If you are obese, you may think that exercise is something you cannot possibly do. However, a sedentary lifestyle is contrary to the weight loss tips you must follow. Start with sitting and lying exercises, eventually working up to standing and moving exercises. This will help burn extra calories and speed up your weight loss.